jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


According to Oxford dictionary a graffiti is “writing or drawing, scratched illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place”, according to Longman dictionary: “rude, humorous, or political writing and pictures on the walls of buildings, trains, etc.” that subculture found a way of express feelings, opinion a philosophy of each social group, especially in the big cities, in Colombia my country, this kind of subculture have had a considerable space in the social-political development, due to the fact of violence, corruption and poverty. According to the survey Psychology: community approaches to contemporary social problems (2011): “In Colombia over years, there have been accumulating feelings of grief, anger and fatigue, caused by the prolonged armed conflict”, and that situation of conflict allow that Colombians and residents, express their thoughts, and a common method is the different graffiti in the wall of many buildings and streets.
In my opinion, the culture of graffiti is a way as a citizen or a specific social group exercised their freedom and their rights, because in our country although the violence and repression, the people can express with freedom their ideas, actually most part of changes in the country was made and published trough this artistic way. Graffiti from “Marcha patriotica” and other politic groups are changing in our minds the idea of inequality and violence. As negative point, sometimes the street art hide false ideals and affect the reputation of  other citizens, my recommendation is to make from this art an opportunity to became true the civilization of love and peace, improving the new model of revolution.
Retrieved from:
International community psychology: community approaches to contemporary social problems. Volume I, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.2011 http://www.gjcpp.org/pdfs/International%20Community%20Psychology%20%20I.%20Volume.pdf#page=233
Oxford dictionaries, http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/graffitii
Longman, Dictionary of contemporary English, http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/graffiti

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013


If someone ask me: do you practice any sport? my question would be definitely negative, actually i don't practice sports, it doesn't mean that i hate them, because i consider sports are important, due to the fact that if you practice it your mind and body would be healthy, according to culture, sports shape your identity, trought sports, like soccer, basketball, tennis, etc, you define your personal culture, but no just sports set up what you are, and what do you like, in my specific case, my hobby, specially listen to music, show my real feelings and my real identity, because of what i am studing (law), i have to read a lot, so i adapted to this new lifestyle, and now i can consider that read is one of my new hobby, to read, to hear radio or watch tv, are now part of what i am, are part of my personal definition, and part of my own identity. Music as electronic, house, or pop are the principal kind of sounds that are related with myself, and are part of my personal culture.
I'm sure that this situation happens all the time with people, we are involved in the new tendency of music, sports, and generally in the middle of subcultures, those subcultures help us to determine our true taste, and ideology of life.