martes, 19 de marzo de 2013


1. matatus people are treated as careless, they have the image of "dissorganized drivers", for that reason in the street they suffer a lot of problems specially with the police, they are the most part of time breaking the mobility´s  rules
2. actually  in Barranquilla we have a concept of mototaxistas very similar as the concept that people have about the matatus, we think they don´t care about the traffic, due to the fact that in the "patios" of the mobility police you will see more motorcicles than cars or taxis

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013


We are all the same, discrimination is a crime, the international agreements have recognized it, the ONU estabilished that all human been have rigths, it is also legally stablished in the countries, so is necessary that today people around the world understand the important definition of human rights, because in front of law black, white, assian, and afrocolombians are and have the same dignity.the conclusion is obviously:respect and tolerance are the best way of think, specially in a country with diversity as Colombia.